Picture this back in school when you’re seated in a classroom with your classmates as the teacher went on and on about a complex subject like physics or chemistry. While everyone else seems to be engrossed or pretend to be listening, you find yourself fidgeting, yearning to move and engage with the material in a more hands-on way. If you can relate to this struggle, you’re a kinesthetic learner like I am.

Throughout primary and secondary school, the traditional lecture format, which emphasizes passive listening and note-taking, often left me feeling disconnected and frustrated. I thought there was something severely wrong with me because I couldn’t sit still and pay attention in class or to my study materials for more than 20 minutes. I never truly enjoyed studying when I was in school, always opting to spend my time mostly on video games. Heck! I learned a lot more through video games than I ever did in class.

In those early days, I couldn’t help but feel like I was missing out on a deeper understanding of the subjects I was passionate about. That was until I went to university. Yes, no doubt the traditional lecture still prevails, but some lecturers have incorporated learning activities and group discussion. Those were the classes I usually looked forward to attend. I found myself enjoying learning a little bit more. In fact, my results improved tremendously in university compared to when I was in school.

Fortunately, as education has evolved, there’s been an increasing recognition of diverse learning styles. More of it nowadays allowed kinesthetic learners like me to thrive by incorporating more interactive and hands-on approaches, making the learning experience not just relatable but genuinely enjoyable. One of them that I came to enjoy so much is game-based learning.

Why Game-based Learning is Effective

When lessons are transformed into immerse games with objectives to fulfill and challenges to go through, we engage all our senses. It doesn’t matter you’re a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner, you’ll enjoy it anyhow. Here are 5 obvious reasons why game-based learning is effective:

  1. Hands-On Experience: Games often involve physical movement or interaction with objects. Even if it’s a board game or card games, it’s still more tangible than looking at slideshows.
  2. Active Participation: Games require active participation rather than passive observation. You cannot NOT participate. You need to get involved in solving puzzles, building something, or simulating a scenario. Absorbing new information and learning new skills get easier when you’re actively involved.
  3. Immediate and Constant Feedback: You get to test out your understanding of the subject or experience the lessons almost instantly when you’re playing a game. You’re presented with feedback each time you make connections between your actions/ decisions with the outcomes/ results.
  4. Trial and Error Learning: Game-based learning offer a safe environment for you to experiment without real-world consequences. You can learn through trial and error by executing different strategies, adjust your tactics, and getting to see the results in real-time.
  5. Multi-Sensory Engagement: As mentioned earlier, games often stimulate multiple senses. You can see, hear, and touch different elements within the game. The best types of learning games use multi-sensory approach to be inclusive, providing a richer learning experience that caters to all learning styles.

Getting Myself Certified as a Game-Based Learning (GBL) Practitioner

All these years, I have had the thought of wanting to integrate games into learning due to my passion for gaming. But I never knew how to do so, and I always had the concern that people may not want to invest in learning games, but game-based learning truly opened my eyes.

Prior to the certification workshop, I attended a preview of GBL. It transformed my perspective on training delivery. While the 1-day session was useful and impactful, I knew that there was more I could learn, and I truly needed more if I wanted to master the skill of designing game-based learning programmes. So, I enrolled myself in the certification programme.

As I had already expected and looked forward to it, the programme was delivered unlike any training session I had attended before — no boring PowerPoint presentations or monotonous lectures. Instead, we were exposed to various game ideas, experiential-based learning, and an extremely fruitful conversation about effective learning.

The main focus of the workshop was to illustrate how game-based learning could significantly enhance engagement. We delved into various interactive activities that allowed us to witness how the mere integration of gaming elements transformed mundane topics into exciting challenges. I realised that when participants are engaged, the learning process becomes more effective and memorable.

Designing Learning Games

The pivotal moment arrived when we were split into groups and tasked with designing our own game-based learning modules. This hands-on activity was a game-changer (pun intended). We learned that we could take almost any existing games and tweak it to serve various learning objectives, provided we studied the game mechanics enough to completely understand them.

While working with my team, I experienced the process of brainstorming, conceptualizing, and structuring a learning activity that was both educational and enjoyable. Apart from that, my fellow classmates, game testers, and our trainers gave extremely valuable input and suggestions for improvement. The learning is just endless!

One of the most impactful takeaways from the workshop was the sense of ownership it instilled in us. When we design a learning experience, we take responsibility for the content and its impact. This notion struck a chord with me — the realization that I could make a difference by crafting meaningful learning experiences for my clients in the future.

The game-based learning workshop was a turning point in my career. It revolutionized my approach to training delivery and reinforced the idea that learning can be fun, interactive, and impactful. I’m now armed with a toolkit of game-based strategies that I can implement to engage participants, enhance learning outcomes, and foster a sense of ownership. This experience has ignited a passion within me to explore more innovative methodologies and continually adapt my training techniques to suit the evolving needs of the participants.

Recommended Reads

Currently there are not many books specifically on Game-based Learning but I do have a favorite here and I also include one that’s pretty relevant for those who have not been exposed to the how games can actually benefit us a lot.

Play to Learn: Everything You Need to Know About Designing Effective Learning Games by Sharon Boller and Karl Kapp

This is the first book I came across when I was looking for something closer to what I need as a game-based learning designer. The quick verdict I have is that Play to Learn is a must-read if you’re a trainer or educator who would like to use games for your learning sessions. Besides, Karl Kapp is a well-known name among us instructional designers. He has also written a few books on gamification for learning.

In this book, Sharon Boller and Karl Kapp do an awesome job breaking down how to design games that people actually learn from. They cover everything you need to know, from the basics of game mechanics to examples of real games used in both in-person and online training. Plus, there’s even an interactive game you can play as you read, so you’re learning by doing.

Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World by Jane McGonigal

I remember reading this on a plane and I just couldn’t put it down. Author and visionary game-designer, Jane McGonigal challenges conventional thinking and shows that games are more than just a form of entertainment.

This book explores the potential of games in solving real-world problems and improving the quality of life. I would highly recommend this to those who truly want to understand how game elements can be incorporated into learning to further motivate learners.

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