I’ve been a digital hoarder for years. Every article I’ve written (even the ones I never published), every video I’ve uploaded, every half-baked design ideas – I’ve kept them all either in my physical notebooks or in my digital folders. I had this idea that one day, I might need to refer back to them. I think you can already tell where this is going. That’s right. I almost never do. Even when there were times that I did, I usually just end up creating something new anyway. So instead of holding onto them, it’s time to make space for new ideas.
I recently read Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon, and there’s a chapter that talked about how we shouldn’t dwell on what we’ve done but focus on the willingness to start fresh. That got me thinking. If I’m trying to be a minimalist in my personal space, why am I still hoarding creatively? Not just in terms of digital clutter, but mentally too. It’s like keeping an old wardrobe full of clothes that don’t fit, hoping one day I might wear them again. Except instead of clothes, it’s unfinished projects, outdated drafts, and ideas I haven’t touched in years. And all of it, instead of inspiring me, was weighing me down.
Why We Struggle to Let Go
I know I’m not alone in this. Writers keep drafts that never see the light of day. Designers archive endless rejected concepts. Musicians store hundreds of unfinished melodies. We convince ourselves that these things still hold value, but in reality, they’re more like creative baggage.
The problem isn’t just digital hoarding but it’s the fear of moving forward. It’s that nagging thought: What if I never come up with anything better? But the thing is, we do know that creativity isn’t something you use up. The more you create, the more ideas you generate. Yet, we’re constantly holding onto the past that doesn’t protect creativity but stifles it.
You Need to Let Go to Create
I knew I had to change my mindset, but I didn’t know where to start. So, I did what I usually do — read and research articles, books, and videos on overcoming creative clutter. Some advice didn’t resonate, but these are the ones that actually worked for me:
1. Curate, Don’t Archive
Instead of keeping everything, I created a “Best Of” folder. If a piece of work still inspires me or represents my growth, it stays. If not, I let it go. You know those drafts and articles that make you go “What the heck was I thinking?”, then it belongs to the bin. This made it easier to stop holding onto projects that didn’t serve me anymore.
2. Set an Expiration Date
I realized if I hadn’t revisited a piece of work in over a year, I probably never would. Now, I set an expiration date for my digital clutter. If I don’t touch something within that time (usually a year), I delete it (or at least move it to a ‘To Let Go’ folder before making the final decision).
3. Trust That New Ideas Will Come
One of the biggest reasons I held onto old work was the fear that I might not come up with something better. But creativity isn’t a finite resource. Once I accepted that new ideas will always come, it became easier to release the old ones.
4. Declutter Your Mental Space Too
This isn’t just about files on a hard drive. Too many ideas, unfinished projects, and ‘maybe someday’ plans create mental clutter. I started simplifying — focusing on one thing at a time instead of juggling ten half-formed ideas. The result? More clarity, more creativity, and less stress.
Letting go isn’t about losing something valuable — it’s about making space for better things. I used to think I needed to keep everything I’d ever created, but now I realize the best way to honour my creativity is to trust it. The past was a stepping stone, not a safety net. And the future? That’s where the real magic happens.
Books That Helped Me Shift My Mindset
I have an epiphany now and I want to write this article to share with you. But I know myself too well and some of you may relate too. It’s a matter of time before I fall back to old habits.
We may all be fired up to make the changes now but it takes real effort to make the good habits stick. That’s why I rely on relevant books that I keep in my personal library so I can re-read it again whenever I feel stuck. Here are my recommendation for this very subject on overcoming procrastination, keeping focus and keep your creativity flowing.
- Show Your Work! by Austin Kleon — A great reminder to focus on progress rather than hoarding past creations.
- The War of Art by Steven Pressfield — Talks about overcoming resistance and creative fears.
- Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon — Encourages using inspiration but moving forward instead of recycling old work.
- Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert — Explores creativity, fear, and how to keep ideas flowing.